Leveraging public space for greater quality of life. image

Leveraging public space for greater quality of life.

The elements in LA's public right-of-way, with fair investment and maintenance, serve as a bridge to economic opportunities, promoting public health, social equity, and climate resilience.


Let's change how LA budgets and plans for public space.

Our Mission: To change the way the City of Los Angeles manages and budgets for public space, by getting the City to develop a Capital Infrastructure Plan.

Here's why your donation is so critical:

The Problem: Every year, at least $1 billion in public funds is allocated to improve LA's streets and public spaces. However, the current system is broken, failing to deliver the services communities truly deserve. There's no clear vision or prioritized project list for the streets and sidewalks, leading to an inequitable distribution of resources.

Our Vision: With your support, we aim to develop a transformative CIP that considers the needs of all community members who use these critical public assets. This plan will encompass not just pavement but a new vision for a cleaner, well-maintained LA. By achieving this, we can provide reliable City services, ensure equitable funding, and address climate resilience, social equity, and mobility justice.

What You Can Do: Your donation will help us initiate inclusive conversations, establish infrastructure priorities, and engage policymakers, civic leaders, and community-based organizations. With your support, we can continue this vital work and expand our impact.

Join us in shaping the future of Los Angeles!