Our Streets Party
November 20, 2019 @ 6:00PM — 8:00PM Eastern Time (US & Canada)
Who's Streets? Our Streets.

We have yet to find an element of our region more critical than how people get to work or see their loved ones. Help build a stronger movement and network for transportation advocacy in the LA Region by joining the party.
It will be a fun night with friends, partners, and allies. We will be honoring CicLAvia, Southern California Resources for Independent Living, and ACT-LA -- leaders at the forefront of our burgeoning movement. Please join us to celebrate our collective wins and honor leaders that push for transformational changes that help us reimagine our streets. Let’s toast our colleagues that advocate for access for all, and organize for affordable housing and high quality transit options. And take a moment to recognize our accomplishments as we work to change our streets, promote safe access for all, and demand better buses, sidewalks, bike lanes and more over food and drink.
It will be a night of celebration and conversation over food and drinks. The more the merrier - friends, family, kids welcome.
Sponsors who wish to be recognized:
$250 sponsorship comes with name on online/event promotion materials and 4 tickets.
$500 name in online/event promotion and name on party/in person materials and 6 tickets.
$1,000 name in dedicated social media posts, name on party/in-person materials, and name recognition during speaking portion of the party and 10 tickets.
All proceeds of the event are going towards the Better Buses for LA campaign - a campaign centered around collaborating with community base building organizations + policy, research, and legislative advocacy to build power for implementation bus only lanes, better bus stops, que jumpers, signal priority, or boarding islands, all door boarding. It is estimated that these types of infrastructure improvements can cut stop times and improve bus speeds by 20% or more.
Thank you to our sponsors !
$250 Alta Planning + Design
$250 Catherine Geanuracos
$250 claudia goytia
$250 Fehr and Peers
$250 francois nion
$250 Norman Emerson
$250 SAJE
$500 Bird
$500 CicLAvia
$500 Compiler LA
$500 Estolano Advisors
$500 FastlinkDTLA
$500 PeopleForBikes
$500 Move LA
$500 Nelson/Nygaard
$500 Richard France
$500 Voices for Healthy Kids